President’s Report – May 2022

The Casey and District Multiple Birth Association Annual Easter Egg Hunt happened on Good Friday. We had an amazing turn out of families attending, with plenty of activities for everyone to participate in. Congratulations to those who won raffles or giveaways on the day! Thank you to the Easter Subcommittee for all your hard work and for making the day special for all the families. We are so grateful to have such dedicated volunteers to put together events and services for our members.

Our Vision Portraits fundraiser was a huge success with a total of $420 being raised. This will go towards the Mother’s Day movie night on the 6th of May. Please see the flyer in our newsletter for more details and keep an eye on our Facebook page for movie and pre-drinks details.

The Casey and District Multiple Birth Association AGM will be on the 18th of May. Please consider volunteering for the CDMBA committee. There are many benefits to volunteering such as :
– Improved mental health
– Development of skills and experiences
– Centrelink benefits
– Being part of the decision-making committee and sharing
your ideas for a successful club.

Candice Janse Van Nieuwenhuizen
CDMBA President