President’s Report – April 2022

The theme for Multiple Birth Awareness Week this year was ‘Educating the Educators’. AMBA offered some very informative webinars to assist with this topic, not only for teachers but parents alike. We were fortunate enough to host a really great picnic at Cardinia Reserve to celebrate with our members. It was an absolutely lovely day filled with plenty of multiples and parents dressed in purple enjoying each other’s company. Thank you to those that joined in.

As we hop into April it is worth pausing to consider the meaning of Easter. It is meant to be the symbol of hope, renewal and new life. Things have been tough lately with all that’s going on in the world so having a little hope and renewal is something to rejoice about.

Here’s what’s cracking this month in the CDMBA events calendar. First up is our Vision Portraits fundraiser on the 10th of April. This is a great opportunity for mothers to get out from behind the camera, get a little dressed up and take some great family pictures (which dad can turn into a really sweet Mother’s Day gift). Details are below and on Facebook. Next is the CDMBA Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Good Friday, 15th of April, at the Old Cheese Factory. This is such a fun day for the children with an Easter egg hunt , hot cross buns and crafts. For the parents there will be a coffee van and raffles to be won filled with vouchers, gifts and chocolates. May is all about the super mums that give up so much and dedicate so much love and time to their families. We would love to celebrate these mums with a night out. We are finalising details so please keep an eye out for details on Facebook.

Lastly, please put the CDMBA Annual General Meeting in your calendar for the 18th of May and join us on the night. We need volunteers to run the club and we 100 % rely on our members to be on the club committee. Please consider joining the committee to share your ideas, improvements or just to give back to the club. We appreciate every hand that goes up to help with events, support or wherever your interests lie. Please don’t be deterred by the unknown of becoming a committee member, ask us any questions you may have.
There are small roles as well as bigger roles and there
are many ways to assist within the club.

Candice Janse Van Nieuwenhuizen
CDMBA President