President’s Report – October 2022

This has been a brilliant month of events for CDMBA. We kicked off the month with a fun activity filled Father’s Day event. Thank you to the hosts Shoba and Devon for planning this event. Next we had a very successful Bumblebee Market where we fundraised $451.90. Thank you to all the members that donated baked goodies and to Catherine and Devon for running the stall. The Coffee Catch up was a beautiful weather day with oodles of families in attendance. Thank you Fran for running the catch up. I really take so much joy from seeing members socialising and kids having a blast at CDMBA events. This is the core of Casey and District Multiple Birth Association Inc. October will also be jam packed with events. Namely, Saturday playgroup on the 1st of October and from then will be the first Saturday of each month. This is a new playgroup that we are offering to members. The funds raised at the Bumblebee Market will cover the costs of venue hire and occasional refreshments and activities. This means Saturday playgroup will be complimentary for all members to attend. Our weekly playgroups will be back after school holidays. Then the 20th of October will be the dietitian lead talk about food nutrition in children. This is an in person information session that will be discussing good food habits, fussy eaters and starting solids. We end the month with Children’s week when we will have multiple activities available at playgroup and on Saturday 1st October. Then October ends with the Halloween Disco. All events mentioned above have flyers in the newsletter. Please join us for events, playgroups and information sessions and meet other members of Casey and District Multiple Birth Association Inc. Come have a chat, play and learn something with other parents who know what life with multiples is really like.