President’s Report – November 2020

As restrictions slowly ease and we start moving to some form of normalcy there is definitely a sense of relief from all Melbournians.

The last few months have been tough on many and I can see this in the decline of our membership numbers. Casey & District Multiple Birth Association has not been offering its full services and this may cause some members to question their membership.

Please let me assure you that as soon as we are allowed to offer services such as playgroups and social events, we will get them up and running. It is unfortunate that we haven’t been able to provide these services and, believe me, we all feel the same way about missing out.

CDMBA is reliant on its members and we are a community of families that offers support to one another, and I personally believe every multiple birth family should be part of a tribe such as this. I implore you to renew your memberships and continue to be a part of this amazing community.

If you have experienced hardship but would still like to be a part of CDMBA, please contact our Membership Secretary, Melinda, and we can see how we can assist you with our membership.

