President’s Report – June 2023

Casey and District Multiple Birth Association Inc. social calendar for May started the month off with the Saturday playgroup. If you haven’t joined us for one yet, then come on down on the first Saturday of the month. It is a great way to spend a Saturday morning.
CDMBA spoilt the mums of multiples with a night out at Paint a Pot and dinner afterwards. It was an absolutely lovely evening filled with delicious sparkling drinks, painting, laughter and good company. Thank you to Coco for managing this fun night out.
We also managed to squeeze in a Bunnings BBQ this month and what an amazing fundraiser this turned out to be. We managed to raise $1816, and this was partly due to the $478 in donations we received. Thank you to those that volunteered, sourced donations and stopped by to support the club. We appreciate each and every one of you.
CDMBA had the Annual General Meeting on the 24th of May. I would like to thank all committee members for being part of the 22/23 committee. It is volunteers such as yourself that make CDMBA possible. We had many committee members put their names down to stay on committee and we are also privileged to have some new faces join the committee.
There were 4 motions on the agenda. Two noteworthy motions were namely the fee increase which will come into effect as of 01/06/2023. The fees will change to $45.00 per member family per annum and are inclusive of insurance premiums. As it has been mentioned before this is due to AMBA increasing their affiliation fees.
The next motion was the introduction of a new membership for School aged multiples. This membership will be available to members at their next renewal date once their youngest multiples turn 5 years of age.
As I have stepped down as President of CDMBA this year, I would like to thank so many people. Over the years there have been a few amazing people that have given me guidance and advice when I was unclear on what the best way forward was. I am so grateful to have so many people all in my corner. The executive team has been a great support structure and we truly have worked so well together. I am grateful knowing I had this team that had my back. So thank you so much to Carmen, Metta and Kirra. Next a huge thank you to the committee members that have assisted in running CDMBA. Teamwork really does make the dream work. Having a great team has meant that tasks and responsibilities were divided among the committee and this led to some really great outcomes. Having an effective committee meant that outputs such as events and support services were available and enjoyable for all, we had a larger pool of resources and ideas which promoted growth and learning and has created such strong bonds amongst the committee.
Lastly I want to thank the members of CDMBA. Being part of CDMBA has fostered a sense of belonging. When I moved to Australia 20 weeks pregnant with twins, I knew no one, but CDMBA has embraced me and helped me create my tribe. There are members over the years that have had a major impact on myself and my family and I thank you for these life experiences.
Many thanks