President’s Report – July 2022

The committee took some time out to get to know each other this month after the AGM in May. We had a lovely meet and greet evening filled with laughter and wine tasting at Unwine in Berwick. The new committee is finding its feet and this was an important step in creating a supportive team.
We had a successful CDMBA planning meeting on the 22nd of June. The planning meeting is where we plan the year’s events and create a budget for each event and get a better understanding of what we can commit to financially. We are open to suggestions so please email me, if you have any ideas for events you would like to see in the future.
The AMBA National Convention will finally be happening after 2 years of cancellations due to Covid-19. Convention this year will be hosted by North West Sydney Multiple Birth Association and will be held in Sydney from 4 to 6 November 2022. Registrations are now open.
The school holidays are here. If you are looking for ideas on what to do don’t forget the Small Ideas membership. We have a link to it in the newsletter and facebook and this specific link connects you to the CDMBA fundraising drive on Small Ideas. For each membership that goes through the link the club gets $10 which we would love to use to cover costs for club events.