President’s Report – August 2023

I hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather we’ve had lately. This term, I’ve been taking my twins to the Wildlife Wanderers program at Gumbuya World. As much as we have enjoyed playgroups over the past 5 years, we’ve stepped away for a moment to enjoy the animals and these last few months before they head off to school.
The Committee has teamed up to begin the planning of all of our upcoming events. July is always a quiet month for CDMBA after the new Committee comes together, but everything is kicking off again in August with our midweek catch up and Father’s Day event. We have also started the talk around our Christmas Event at the end of the year. This one always takes a
few months to plan! If you would like to be involved in the Christmas subcommittee, please reach out. We always love to have new faces helping out behind the scenes and on the day.
At the end of the month, we will be hosting a baked goods stall at Bunnings Cranbourne for the Father’s Day Night Markets. If you have something you love to bake, please consider taking the time to donate these goods to the club. We’re hoping for another successful year of fundraising for the club so we can offer the most to our members.
Kind Regards, Carmen