November Presidents Report

What a month it has been! Between sick kids, family birthdays, our wedding anniversary and appointments October has been flat out. I am normally very organised when it comes to party planning and shopping but at this point I am so far behind!! My twins turn 3 in under 3 weeks and boy do I still have a bit to do.

Working to my advantage is that D had the “big” party this year so it isn’t their year to have a big party (just a small one – hopefully) so there won’t be as much to do. I have a real love for birthday parties and really like to hear what people do and how they do it.

The twins at least usually have nice weather so I always have a lot more options up my sleeve. D
on the other hand is a July baby so very limited with the cold, wet days.

D is off to school next year and realisationon has started to set in. I received his transition documents and it’s amazing how much our young kids achieve in such short years. Although I don’t think I’m ready for him to be a school boy, he is so ready and I can’t to see what his future has in store.

Enough about me…. Cup weekend is an exciting weekend for AMBA (Australian Multiple Birth association). The Annual National Conference will be held in Brisbane and we hope to be able to bring back some wonderful ideas to assist CDMBA and all of its members!

The Christmas Party is fast approaching and it’s a wonderful day out for the whole family. It will be held at Myuna Farm. More details are available on the event page. Hope you have a wonderful November, full of sunshine and happiness! Hope to see you at an event soon