President’s Report Aug 2019

I want to start tonight by saying thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the planning meeting. We have some great ideas that have and will transpire over the next 10 months. Rebecca has put together a calendar of what was discussed at the planning meeting but there is always room for more fundraising ideas and events. If you come up with any more ideas please bring them to committee to discuss and put on the calendar.

Other amazing thing that have been happening this month. – Rebecca K has received two grants now for the club, the GCD and care packs. – High tea for new parents – First aid course was a success. – Changed the cook book to newsletter recipes. – Playgroup back and Orientation day for young bubs was a success. – Hay De Ho singing group – Grant application – Great work on changing the family gathering at short notice – Photo shoot was a success with a profit. – Some great discounts offers for our families (refer to newsletter) thanks Malinda – The Kinder and school readiness information night is going well with planning. – some free goodies for fundraising, care packs.

I hope you all had a look at the information about the AMBA AGM at convention. I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing about the other clubs at the upcoming convention and will report back to you all. Thank you all for the hard work and keep it up.